- Kemence Forestry Museum-Railway - Rolling stock: Electric locomotives

SD-9 storage battery locomotives

The loco type SD-9, often called track-coolie are made by Northern-Hungarian Building Machine Repairing and Constructing Company in the 60-70ies. The very simple construction is still working in some brickyards (for example in Törökszentmiklós), and a sawmill in Vinye. The 2-axle 9-12 HP loco, which can crawl forward with 6, backward with 10 km/h, originally equipped with single-cylinder diesel engine type BL-12 and chain-drive. Two of them worked in a fattener in Szentes, where they modified to chopper-controlled electric locomotives with accumulators.

3119,0001 (Yellow Barrow)

Our loco no. 3119,0001 is in working order, and owned by Dr. Zsolt Kelemen. Due to its low speed and weakness, we use it only for shunting vehicles, and it is working good. Its silent operating is a good point, too. This loco is under renewal at the moment.

3119,0002 (Red Barrow)

The loco no. 3119,0002 have been dismounted and transported for complete renewal by its owner, Dr. Zsolt Kelemen in 2004. The work is still in progress.

Karlik storage battery locomotive

This type was produced at first in Germany before the Second World War in the VEB and in the Bleichert factories. After the war it was produced in the Sovietunion and in Poland too.

Nr. 3212,0001 were used in Füzérradvány in the daily work until the summer of 2007. There are some Karlik type engines in Hungarian museums but just this is in working order. 
The engine - after arriving to Kemence - was lent to Füzérradvány, now it is working again at Kemence station as a shunting engine.

EL-9 storage battery locomotive

EL-9 engines were produced in East-Germany (DDR) in the 1960's in the Hans Beimler Factory. At Hungary nowdays just in Felsõpetény, in Gyöngyösoroszi, in Füzérradvány and in Úrkút is used this type, several were cut after closing the mines in the 1990's.

Nr. 3238,9001 were bougth from Szegi cornish stone mine after closing. The engine were completely renewed after transporting to Kemence.
In 2007 it was lent to Tokodaltáró and it has run cca 3500-4000 km without any mistakes. In 2008 the engine got a brand new battery.


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