- Kemence Forestry Museum-Railway - Rolling stock: Electric locomotives

Nr. 3238,9001 were bougth from Szegi cornish stone mine after closing. The engine were completely renewed after transporting to Kemence.
In 2007 it was lent to Tokodaltáró and it has run cca 3500-4000 km without any mistakes. In 2008 the engine got a brand new battery.
A frissen felújított EL-9-es

A frissen felújított EL-9-es
Fotó: Tóth András

Mainly this engine is used for shunting, but sometimes it is used on the line when the diesel engines are out of order. We would like to use this engine mainly in the upper valley over Hotel Feketevölgy after rebuilding the destroyed line.

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2009.01.12. 16:27

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