- Kemence Forestry Museum-Railway - History

The beginnings

From 1910 a new railroad were built to reach the good quality wood in the west Börzsöny from Kemence. The area's owner in this time the Primateship of Esztergom was. In the first 20 years about 30-40 km railroad were built in 2 main valleys that can be approached from the village.


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In 1910 the Wolfner-Schanczer & sons company started the buildings from the forestry's yard. In the first year the Kemence-Wirterház-Királyháza-Királykút (11 km) railroad was built (On map). In 1911 the jobs were continued with the Királyháza-Rakottyás line (On map):
new tracks were laid to Tûzköves-Bangolák (1 km), and to Rakottyás (On map) and Szénoldal. The last two lines were side-lines lines to workplaces, their long was in all 3 km.

(The side-lines were built only for some years, just only for carry the wood to the main lines from the working area. After finishing the cut - maybe for years - these were taken up.)

In 1913 new railroad was built to the Csarna Valley (On map), its name was Csarnavölgy Railroad and it was 9,4 km long.

In 1916 some side-lines were built by Dobo Company on the Csarnavölgy Railroad, their name was: Talprakodó ~ 0,8 km, Kettõshíd ~ 1,2 km and Rákospatak ~ 2,0 km (On map).

In 1919 the Hidi-Vint Company built three more side-lines: Oltárkõ ~ 1,5 km, Hangyás ~ 0,7 km, Mogyorós ~ 1,2 km (On map).

The Kemence-Királykút railroad in 1920 were renewed: sleepers were thickened and the bridges were strengthened. In 1925 a new side-line were built here: Fonottság ~ 0,7 km (On map).

The Pogánypatak side-line were built in 1927, it was 2,1 km long (On map).

New side-line were laid in Dosnya Valley by Marcher Company in 1926, the Szász Company built the Bacsina side-line in 1933, it was 3,3 km long. The system's highest ascent was on this line: 12%.

Also the Marcher Company built the Nagyörcsölye side-line in 1927 (On map), it was 3 km long.

In the Csarna Valley the innovate was continued: in 1926 the Hidi-Vint Company built the Rákospatak-Oltárkõ side-line which was 0,5 km (On map). The highest bridge in the system was on this line above the Oltár-steam, it was 21 m long and 8 m high.

From 1928 the Schmiedl Company built three more side lines in the Csarna Valley: Hangyás-Soványgödör ~ 0,7 km, in 1929 the Drinópatak (On map) ~ 1,7 km and in 1933 the Kurucpatak (On map) ~ 1,8 km.

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2009.05.22. 20:52

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