- Kemence Forestry Museum-Railway - History

The operating line

From 1910 to 1933 the railroad was grown over 50 km in the 2 valleys. Workshops and stables were built to Kemence, to Királyháza and to the end of the Csarnavölgy line.

A csarnavölgyi híd építése forgalom alatt. A képen Kalácska Ignác főpályamester látható

A csarnavölgyi híd építése forgalom alatt. A képen Kalácska Ignác főpályamester látható
Fotó: archív

The average slope was 2,5 % on the railroad, all lines were built aslope toward to the lumberyards. Horses dragged the wagons up to the workplaces and after loading them they were rolled down by brakemen.

Tracks were laid with 600 mm gauge, the 5 kg/m weight rails were clinched to 1300 mm long oak wood sleepers. The largest radius was 1000 m, the smallest was 30 m on the railroad.

The Királyház Railroad was 29,6 km, the Csarnavölgy Railroad was 21,5 km long, so the whole line system was 51,1 km long.

From the beginnings until the Second World War horses were used on the lines as traction-engines. Two trucktypes were used: smaller trucks with 2 axles, and bigger trucks with 4 axles in boogies, the first bigger truck arrived in 1924.

lumberjacks with a bigger truck

Passenger trains didn't run on the lines, only some smaller wagons were built to carry the hikers, wood-cutters and hunters.

At Kemence and at Királyháza workshops were built, at Hamuház (the end of the Csarnavölgy Railroad) an equerry were built, telephone lines were built up in 1929.

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2009.05.20. 22:33

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