- Kemence Forestry Museum-Railway - History

The golden age

The lines were renewed, diesel engines arrived, but macadam roads were built in the Börzsöny mountain...

Az első kemencei dízel, a montania mozdony, mely később Almamellékre került. Jól látható a motor indítására szolgáló kurbli a jármű elején

Az első kemencei dízel, a montania mozdony, mely később Almamellékre került. Jól látható a motor indítására szolgáló kurbli a jármű elején
Fotó: archív

After the Second World War the forests (and all companies, concerns... etc) were secularized. The communist government started to upgrade the narrow gauge railroads (this era was the golden age of the narrow gauge lines until about 1970), so the Kemence State Forestry Railway was also renewed: the tracks were changed, the wood sleepers were changed to concrete sleepers on main lines and in 1947 the first diesel engine arrived to the railroad (Hofher R-35).

In 1955 arrived the P-5 (now it is also used) engine, in this year the R-35 Hofher engine was carried to Almamellék. The P-2 engine arrived in 1970 from Királyrét, now this is alo a basic engine on the railroad.

the P-5 engine at Hamuház

From the late fifties new roads were built in Börzsöny mountain, new, strong lorries arrived. After building the macadam road to Diósjenõ via Királyháza the Kemence-Királyháza railroad were completely broken up in 1967-68.

the P-2 engine

In the Csarna valley the break up was started in 1957-58 but it wasn't finished, this line was used until about 1980, only the main and two side-lines were left: Drinópatak and Kurucpatak.

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2009.05.22. 20:50

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