Kemence Forestry Museum-Railway
What to see and what to do?
Rolling stock
What to see?

Magyar Deutsch Român Nyomtathat vltozat


Kemence is not only the village of the narrow gauge train, it is a known pleasure resort at the foot of the Brzsny mountains. Kemence in the XVIII. century was the centre of a large county, after the FirstWorld War it became to a small village next to the Hungarian border with minimal public transport connection. After starting the museum railroad in 2000its name is more known day by day in Hungary and in abroad, too.

Barokk klasszicista homlokzatú római katolikus templom, Kemence

Barokk klasszicista homlokzatú római katolikus templom, Kemence

Kemence is located at the west side of Brzsny mountains. The village is cut into twoby the Csarna river, which runs into the Ipoly river. The place ofthe villagewas a built up area in the paleolithic times,this is proved byexcavations. After the Settlement of the Magyars in Hungary the area was given to the Hont-Pzmny genus.
At first time the 'Kemence' name wasmentioned in a tax-register in 1156 as the land of the Primateship of Esztergom. In the XV. century Kemence became to empty because of the wars in the region.
The county hall was built in 1751 and the county session were here from 1751 to 1793. II. Jozsef Hungarian king has visited the village in 1770. The Roman Catholic temple of Kemence was built in 1796. The parish next the church was built at the end of the XVIII. century.

Kemence has a local museum at F street 244 in an old farmhouse with tipical old Hungarian furnitures, materials... etc.

>>Some sights at Kemence here<<

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2009.01.12. 22:10


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