- Kemence Forestry Museum-Railway - Programs

Kemence: Our planned programs for 2019

2019.01.01 (

Mark the dates in your calendar right now!

Fotó: Tóth Levente (2018.03.15.)

You would want to visit Hungary's only 600 mm gauge museum railway? Besides our regular operating days we offer exciting programs although the year.

may 25.-26.: kid day

june 8.-10.: pentecost special trains

july 27.: our railway's day

august 20.: special trains

at the end of september*: deer grunting listener trains

october 23.: special trains

october 26.-27.: season closing trains

december 7.: Santa Claus train

december 31.: new year train

We hold the right to change any programs, so please check back before planning your trip.

If you have any further questions, you can find us:

*The program is under preparation.

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2019-04-29 19:06


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