- Kemence Forestry Museum-Railway - Approach

By public transport


Kemence can be reached from Szob and from Drégelypalánk by public transport. From abroad the Budapest-Szob-Kemence is offered.

Két 311-es, egy vonat Kemencén

Két 311-es, egy vonat Kemencén
Fotó: Németh Zoltán Gábor (2006.07.22.)

via Szob

You need to travel from Budapest to Szob by train. The bus station is located next to the train station, trains are waited by buses, so usually there are only few minutes to change. You need get off from the bus at Kemence, Felszabadulás street 173. (First stop after Kemence plate).

via Drégelypalánk

You need travel from Budapest to Vác by train and there change to bus, which arrives to Kemence via Drégelypalánk. This is the fastest way to Kemence from Budapest but in the weekend just few buses are on this line so the Budapest-Szob-Kemence way is suggested.

More information

Volanbusz +36 (1) 382-0888
Train (MAV) +36 (1) 371 94 49

Google map link

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2009.01.10. 19:28

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