- Comandau Forestry Railway - Information

The town of Covasna (in Hungarian: Kovászna) is in the south-eastern part of Transylvania, 25kms away from Sfântu Gheorghe (in Hungarian: Sepsiszentgyörgy. Comandãu (Komandó) is on the top of the "Háromszéki-havasok" mountain range, 1014 metres above sea level. The village is situated 20 kms from Covasna and has approximately one thousand, mostly Hungarian speaking inhabitants.

There are several possibilities to reach Covasna by both road and rail.The approach from Budapest will be described.

Upon arrival at Covasna, the timber yard and the terminus of the forestry railway line is to be found towards the Breþcu end of the stndard-gauge tracks. The other terminus, at the the bottom of the incline, is on the left hand side of the road going via the Heart Hospital to Comandau. Comandaus CFF station can be found close to the centre of the village.

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