- Felsőtárkány, forestry railway - Approach


Munkanapokon nincs menetrendi forgalom,ilyenkor zajlik a mozdonyok karbantartása

Munkanapokon nincs menetrendi forgalom,ilyenkor zajlik a mozdonyok karbantartása
Fotó: Molnár Márk (2004.04.14.)

By public transport

Felsotarkany is approachable by bus from Eger, in Felsotarkany the "Felsőtárkány, fűtőház" is the nearest stop the railway.

By car

The fastest way from Budapest and west is the M3 highway, which must be left at the 113. km (Füzesabony is on the plate). You have to cross Eger city to the direction of Felnemet. In Felnemet you have to turn to the direction of Felsotarkany  (right) and after almost leaving Felsotarkany the loco shed and the railway station will be at right side of the road.

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2011.02.18. 11:58

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