- Comandau Forestry Railway -

Commandau Days 2010

2010.08.08 (Markója Szilárd)

The traditional Commandau Days were held 31 July and 1 August this year.
Hajtányok a Bászka hídon

Hajtányok a Bászka hídon
Fotó: Németh Zoltán (2010.07.31.)

Steam was provided by 764-243 bruoght by Georg Hocevar from Criscior. The line towards Holomu-pass was served till km 5. A newly inserted switch at km 2 eased trains on shortened route to reverse. Sikló Association involved under lead of Teacher Attila Borbáth several enthousiastic pupils of Secondary Scool Tivadar Puskás, Sfintu Gheorghe. The locomotive shed was cleaned. Rubbish of 2-3 m3 was carried off, equippment and tools burried in it collected and stored properly. So the Volga-daisine (standing outside till now) could be stored in the shed too. Private draisines from Hungary made additional traffic on the lines, e.g. from Puszta-summit to the upper station of the inclined plane.

More photographs here.

Short film about the draisine rides here.

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2010.11.25. 13:40

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