- Comandau Forestry Railway -

Book for kids

2010.11.09 (Markója Szilárd)

We cannot start early enough transferreing the idea of preserving our inheritance for future generations.
Egy oldal a Krauss meséje gyermek könyvből

Egy oldal a Krauss meséje gyermek könyvből
Fotó: (2010.11.09.)

Children are really open for all kind of information which can be life-long impressions in the end. That is why Éva Demeter wrote the life story of a 100 years old steam engine. 32 peages decorated beautifully by Alpár Péter tell about working principles of a locomotive and every-day-work. Follow this link to learn about how to order the book.

More illustrations from the book here.

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2010.11.25. 13:46

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