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Magyar Deutsch Român Nyomtathat vltozat

Spring 1941, a trip to Kónya

Dear Sir, On your interesting website "Szakmai oldalak", I found, in the list of the "gasdasagi vasutak" in szak-Alfld, some indication of a rail line for agricultural transport that would have existed in the district of Knya (Hortobgy), it seems up to the eighties. The only information known on this line seems to be the length of 1800 meters. Perhaps I can provide some other information on the line, on which I made a quick trip back in 1941.

A kónyai lóvasút szerelvénye battyog a nagyvasúti állomás felé

A kónyai lóvasút szerelvénye battyog a nagyvasúti állomás felé
Fotó: Tasnádi László

In the years 1940-1942 I lived in Budapest with my family because of my father's work, head of the Italian school of Budapest. In the spring of 1941 my father was called by the University of Debreczen to take some lectures on Italian literature, for which reason my family spent a week or so in that city.

The lectures of my father were followed by a rich gentlewoman, owner of vast land planted with tobacco in the territory of Knya; this lady invited my father to spend a day with his family as a guest in his house located on the property.

Accordingly, one morning we left the MV station Debreczen on a local train (composed of the typical small two-axle passenger cars with open-balcony entrances of the time) and after a journey of about an hour we reached the small station of Knya.

Leaving the small square opposite the station, there came a surprise: a small track came from a side road and ended in a two tracks stub terminal and on one of the two tracks was a parked vehicle, clearly intended for the carriage of passengers, pulled by a horse. It was the private railway of the lady named above, the properties of which were clearly of such an extension as to require a rail transport system (at this point I must note that, despite my young age, I was only 14, I was already quite experienced in rail questions).

All took place on the small car that was equipped with a single longitudinal bench on which could be seated no more than six or eight people sitting shoulder to shoulder; at least that's what I seem to remember. The car then walked unsteadily on the small track, the gauge of which should not be greater than 600 mm, similar to a Decauville railway.

With a route that seemed to me very long, extended through tobacco fields, the small car took us up to the house of the lady, who must surely be beautiful. But my interest was focused only on the small railway, whose track went behind the house, with numerous branches serving several agricultural buildings. A large number of small two-axle trucks were parked in sidings and many trucks were being pushed by hand to form small trains to be towed by a horse. I wondered how they could electrify the small network. In the afternoon after an inspection to the properties of the lady still on the passengers car, the same took us back to the MV railway station in Knya amd with that ended my first (and probably only) visit to Knya.

From that day it has been more than seventy years, during which I have often thought about the small railway, the great house and the lady who lived there, which I do not remember the name (but maybe not I never knew). But I can provide two details about her and maybe someone can identify the family: she was the widow of a count and was Jewish; persecuted by the Nazi regime of the Major Szlasi, committed suicide a few years after the fact that I told.

Two observations. It seems certain that after the proclamation of the People's Republic the land has become part of a collective farm and the horse railway remained in operation, more or less in terms of origin, until 1983; it should not be difficult to find any news of this period.

Besides this, where does the data on the length of the line (1800 meters)? Perhaps from Mr, Tasndi Lszl (has Mr. Tasndi an e-mail address?) If someone has traveled or has traveled the path to the end, must necessarily be arrived at the buildings that once constituted the core of the farm with the house of the lady. It would be interesting to see what it is today.

Sincerely yours Vittorio Formigari, Rome (Italy)

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2011.06.23. 08:23


Kircsi László (2011-07-08 13:31:06)

Hát nem is tudom,de mint Hajdú-Bihar megyei lakos,Én semmilyen Kónya nevezetű,ma is létező településröl nem tudok. Inkább Konyár-ra tippelnék,állomása is van és kb anno gőzössel 1 órán belül elérhető volt Debrecenből. Sajnos ma sem sokkal jobb a helyzet,sőt... de ez egy másik téma lenne.

Török Imre (2011-07-08 14:35:00)

Kónya egy vasúti megállóhely Balmazújváros és Hortobágy között. A kisvasút sajnos már eltűnt. Az alábbi linken megtekinthető az aktuális állapot.

A Google térképen elég részletes légi fotó van a területről. Itt Kónya vasúti megállót "Hortobágy egyéb vasúti megállóhely" néven említik. Innen ment a vasút a térképen "Kónya" néven jelölt majorsághoz:,+Hungary&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=47.607841,21.240778&spn=0.023349,0.038581&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=23.959196,40.166016&t=h&z=15

Bozó Zoltán (2011-07-08 20:01:51)

Megboldogult gyermekkoromban sokat utaztunk a Hortobágyon át vonattal Hajdúszoboszlóra .A halastónál ámultan sóvárogtam.Milyen jó lenne azon a kisvasúton utazni.Még azóta sem voltam rajta,pedig már lehetne...
Kónyán pedig mindig azt figyeltem,látom-e a lovaskocsit.Tulajdonképpen az is volt.Vasúti lovaskocsi.

Kircsi László (2011-07-08 22:10:04)

Akkor végül-is csak azért tévedtem,mert nem ma is létező településről,hanem egy majorságról kapta a nevét ez a megálló.... Hát igen,mindig tanul az ember.Akkor már nem is marad más hátra,mint felkeresni a közelben levő hortobágyi kisvasutat kárpótlás képpen.Ami a tuti az az,hogy ÜZEMEL MOST IS!!!

Sós János (2011-07-10 11:28:25)

Üdvözletem-a lóvasutat édesapám még látta-1952-ben született. Szerinte is a nyolcvanas évekig üzemelt-pedig hivatalos körök "Európa szégyenének" bélyegezték! A kisvasút utolsó hajtója lesett a lóréról-állítólag gerincét törte.
Azután már senki nem vállalta a munkát-volt indok eltüntetni a "szégyenfoltot".
Én az alábbi linket tudom ajánlani:
Jelenleg nem sok minden van Kónya megállóban. De a két archív képen még láthatóak a cikkíró által is említett kis állomásépület. Illetve, a kedves kis 275-ös mozdony is húzhatta a szerelvényt 41-ben ugyanúgy mint 80-ban...A másik kis mozdony meg biztosan!
A hortobágyi kisvasút végállomásáról is találhatunk egy jó pár képet ugyanazon az oldalon!
Sós János

Gyulai Endre (2013-07-26 15:39:21)

Nem tudják, mikor bontották le Kónyán a vasúti felvevőépületet?

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