Borsig-Loco on a new site
2008.08.26 (Markója Szilárd)
End of August the last-used normal gauge shunting loco of Covasna sawmill yard has been transported to Sfintu Gheorghe.
A beemelés kezdete
Fotó: Szeles József (2008.08.26.)
The terminus of the Covasna - Commandau Forestry Railway is the sawmill situated at Conasna station on the former Bereck-Háromszéki Local Railway, today CFR. This sawmill is connected with the CFR-station by a standard gauge siding. The main task of the yard was the transshipment of wood conveyed on the narrow gauge into standard gauge wagons. Serving the standard gauge tracks was also a duty of the timbering company. They utilized several steam and diesel locomotives. N3-404 steam engine was used in the last phase of operation. It was built by Borsig in Berlin in 1909 (boiler Nr. 7174) It was delivered to a firm named "Lotru" in Brezoi which was said to be among the largest ones in Europe that time (they applied 12 electrically operated bandsaw, 7 circular saw, 4 km of cable conveyor and employed 1344 workers). The engine worked here till 1970, was stored till 1984, then transfered to Covasna. The last repair was done in 1996 by Csíkmadéfalva CFR Workshop. In Covasna it was used till 2000. The engine was constructed with the remarkable Allan-Trick gear. Stored mostly uncovered affected the loco badly, even parts as screw coupling, number plates and cylinder covers were stolen. Covasna Country Council suggested to avoid further demages to preserve the loco in Sfintu Gheorghe, in front of the station. October 2008 the loco obtained an outside repair. On long term it is supposed to be overhauled to return to service, hopefully between Sfintu Gheorghe and Covasna, to work tourist trains of the future. More photos here.
Legutóbbi módosítás: 2009.11.19. 11:30
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