- Kemence Forestry Museum-Railway - Rolling stock: Diesel engines

Coolies on the railway

The small shunters called "coolies" are made by Building-trade Engine Works (Budapest) in the first half of the 60-ies for little works (especially brickyards) with inner railway network. According to it, these coolies have comparatively weak, one-cylinder MIB engines (which have been often replaced by two-cylinder Slavia engines). Their axle base is very small, so they can be used on curves with 4-5 m radius. The gauge can be easily set to 500, 600 or 760 mm. Some of them arrived to Kemence after the closure of the brickyard in Hajdúböszörmény. On 14th June 2003 a coolie-ruin arrived, too, which has been worked in a water farm in Hortobágy.

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