- Nagybörzsöny, forestry railway -

Imre Árpási - Péter Szilva: Over the hill - published!

2024.05.05 (Szilva Péter)

KBK's newest book on the history of the Szob - Márianosztra - Nagyirtáspuszta - Nagybörzsöny railway has been published!

Hungarian cover of the book

Hungarian cover of the book

The work provides a comprehensive account of the joint history of  railways originally built as three separate railways:

  • Szob quarry railway (760 mm gauge),
  • Ipolypásztó - Börzsönyirtás 600 mm gauge horse-drawn railway 
  • Kisirtás - Márianosztra 760 mm gauge forestry railway.

The book introduces its track layout, rolling stocks and operation. The book also touches on the context of the story, and therefore also looks at the quarrying and forestry sectors. For readers interested in unusual technical solutions, such as inclined planes, switchbacks and stone crushers, the book gives a brief but clear explanation of how they work. It is hoped that this will result in a story that is versatile and readable, rather than a dry textbook, although it contains a wealth of technical data.

The book will be presented by the authors, Imre Árpási and Ernő Péter Szilva, at the Day of The Railway of the Nagybörzsöny Forest Railway on 14 September 2024. There will also be an opportunity to meet the public, buy and sign the book.

The book has been published in Hungarian and German by the Association of Friends of Narrow Gauge Railways in Hungary (KBK) with the support of the National Cooperation Fund.

The German version of the book costs 18 000 HUF/each or 46 EUR/each.

The book can be ordered from the publisher, the KBK Association, as detailed in this article.

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2024-09-11 01:09

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