- Kemence Forestry Museum-Railway -

Kemence is on longer track

2009.03.15 (Fodor Illés)

A new part of the railway started to use on 14.03.2009. It is a 600 m long track to Feketevölgy station. The length of the railway is 7,2 km, traffic is on 3,9 km now.

Feketevölgy megállóhely, végállomás - a második vonat érkezett ide

Feketevölgy megállóhely, végállomás - a második vonat érkezett ide
Fotó: Papdi Tamás (2009.03.14.)

A really serious flood damaged the track and the bridges of the railway in 1999. The railway was out of operation that time (regular traffic was closed in 1992). A non government organisation called Assotiation of the Friends of Narrow Gauge Railways (Kisvasutak Baráti Köre Egyesület, KBK) tried to save the trailway. They start their project on the Eastern weekend in 2000 and they could renew the first 1.8 km to 29.07.2000. Later they renew the demolished bridges. Traffic start to Pityúr-rétje station (km point 3.3) in 2004. Bridges between Pityúr-rétje and Feketevölgy was finished in 2007 but they couldn't legalize their project because of some burocratical problems. Finally traffic starts on 14.03.2009.

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2009.03.26. 10:49

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