- Kemence Forestry Museum-Railway -

We work on our English site! Please visit our site from time to time!


In the future we're going to load up more base informations about our railway, please check our site from time to time.
Az 5-ös híd vasszerkezete, még vágányok nélkül

Az 5-ös híd vasszerkezete, még vágányok nélkül
Fotó: Szűcs Zoltán József (2007.04.28.)

The Kemence Forestry Railway Museum work on its English site to be able to give better and more precise informations about the railway's history, about our programs, about our aims...

We would like to popularize our railway for foreigns and give help to find us.

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2009.01.14. 23:51

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