- Kemence Forestry Museum-Railway - Rolling stock: Diesel engines


We got this loco type UE-28 for free from Bodajk, where it was sitting out of order. On 4th March, 2006 the loco and a tipper came to Kemence together. Its speciality that the original 4-gear transmission has been replaced by an SD-9 reverser, so practically this loco has only one gear in both direction (in Bodajk, the track was about 150 m long only, so the higher speed wasnt really needed). Its engine is a 2-cylinder Csepel, which is connected to the reverser by a compensating gear (which came from a ZIL lorry). Its renewal is planned.
A felújított, bodajki eredetű síntraktor.

A felújított, bodajki eredetű síntraktor.
Fotó: Varga Zsombor (2016.05.)

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