- Comandau Forestry Railway - | ||||
Dispossession Procedure of Covasna-Comandau Forestry Railway has been started 2007.01.11 (Papucs András) Covasna Country Council has started the dispossession procedure of the Forestry Railway, Inclined plane and accessory buildings with decision nr. 2006/155. A Brad5-ös pályaszámú mozdony Kovásznán a vajnafalvi ívben Aims of the dispossession procedure are to stop the deterioration of this historic monument, due to uncleared and uncertain property and lack of regular service since 1999. Covasna Country Council has obtained approval of Ministry of Culture also (320/M/22.12.2006). Objects of the dispossession procedure are following positions of the Monument List of Ministry of Culture (Decision nr. 2004/2.314) :
With this step danger of liquidation has been averted. Pre World War II - owners will lose their rights on this property, also. Unfortunately, despite this dispossession, the future of rolling stock and the line towards Holomu-summit remain unclear. This will need further negotiations.
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