- Lillafüred, forestry railway -

Steam in Lillafüred

2008.01.21 (

Annual winter steam-train is organised this year in Miskolc, Lillafüred. A special (passenger) train will run on 16.02.2008 from Dorottya utca to Garadna. Train will followed by an old bus (Ikarus 31, 1959) which will stop several places for taking pictures of the train.

Fotó: Chikán Gábor

Special train will start from Dorottya utca terminous at 10.30. It is going to stop at Mártabánya (mine Martha - it is near Diósgyőr-városközpont stop) and Majláth when visitors will be able to take pictures of the vehicles of the railway. It will stay in Lillafüred (11.48-13.05) and arrive at Garadna at 13.30. Train will start back at 14.10 and arrive at Dorottya utca at 15.33.

Participant fee for the train:


One way

Return ticket

Dorottya utca - Lillafüred

880 HUF

1660 HUF

Lillafüred - Garadna

880 HUF

1660 HUF

Dorottya utca - Garadna

1280 HUF

2460 HUF

Participant fee for the bus is 950 HUF.

More information:
+36 (30) 238-0755
+36 (20) 974-3845

Legutóbbi módosítás:

(c) Kisvasutak Baráti Köre Egyesület - Impresszum - Hír küldés - Üzenet
Belépés - Webmail - Intranet - FAV - EgyesületOnline