- Comandau Forestry Railway -

Kaspar Kirchgraber has died

2008.08.13 (Szilva Péter)

As a steam locomotive fan, he started to discover the world of forestry railways in Transilvania just after the Revolution. From that time his heart was engaged to foerstry steam. This was the way we met him too: on a morning in - 25 C cold, in the front of the shed, waiting for the doors to open to get the first shots. He was straight and selfless. Enough to make life-long friends. Many many friends. There was no one in e.g. Comandau who did not know him. He walked down the tracks and streets as a wayfarer photographer, making photographs from anybody: then on his following trip he returned with the large format framed photos as a present. It is no wonder that he met his better half in Comandau. I belive he was the only swiss engine driver who learnt Hungarian, what's more: the Székely dialect.In the middle of the nineties, when closure of the system was first rumoured, he was the first one to start negotiations with the envolved parties: even our Assotiation "Sikló"; was initiated by his ever-lasting optimism.Kaspar has died after a severe desease on 14 June 2008.

We shall never forget You!

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2009.11.26. 13:02

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