- Almamellék, forestry railway -

Almamellék runs just on weekends

2009.03.24 (

The operator of the railway predicted daily traffik in January from april to october. Actually the regular traffic will start just on 01.05.2009. Trains will run just on weekends.
Személyvonat érkezik Almamellékre

Személyvonat érkezik Almamellékre
Fotó: Chikán Gábor (2003.04.19.)

Forestry railways could have applied for a pork barrel to make up their deficit becauye of the passenger traffic. This was closed last year so the expense of operators rose. This is why Almamellék decreased the number of trains. We predicted some changes like this in the future.

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2009.03.26. 10:40

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