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Vajdahunyad has died

2009.07.14 (Fodor Illés)

The beautiful Hunedoara-Ghelari (Vajdahunyad-Gyalár) narrow gauge railway is abandoned in Romania. The former 15,3 km long railway had operated just on a 3 km since 1990. They started to remove the track on 06.07.2009. The viaducts are sad to be abandoned soon.
Tehervonat halad át a vár mögötti viadukton

Tehervonat halad át a vár mögötti viadukton
Fotó: Gayer Márk (2001.04.10.)

The railway transported limestone on the last few decades. They had four L45H locomotives (069, 070, 072, 084). The line crossed a mountain area crossing on viaducts and in tunnels.

Our pictures about the railway:
Abandoned tracks:

And a short video:

Special thanks for Mr. Rudolf Hanzelik for the sad information.

Legutóbbi módosítás: 2009.07.14. 09:14

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