- Comandau Forestry Railway -

Commanau Days: Steam once again!

2009.07.14 (Markója Szilárd)

Although only as a special: on 1 and 2 August steam (Krauss 762-209) hauled trains are supposed to run as a Commandau Days feature.

Az alámosás javítva

Az alámosás javítva
Fotó: Papucs András (2009.06.26.)

The steam train of two passenger cauches wil offer a return trip 3 to 5 times a day on the 4 km section of the Halom-line. Two wash-outs were repaired to enable the use of the whole legth of the remained track on this line.

Important note: despite the repairs and trial runs (see pictures: here.) there is NO guarantee for this planned service.



Legutóbbi módosítás: 2009.07.17. 12:20

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